Monday, July 07, 2008

Woman, Health Thyself!

That's the potential promise as found in a recent newswire feed. Read the article then check out the C'elle Client Testimonial stories for yourself. C'elle has a potentially revolutionary new approach to capturing stem cells -- those amazing cells which can be made to grow into one of any number of specialized cells. C'elle offers a method for women to capture their own stem cells using their monthly cycle as a cell source. The menstrual cells are captured, processed and cryo-preserved now in hopes of future usage as a life-saving treatment. It's like banking your current health and vitality for a future use.

This unique medical service takes advantage of the fact the cells can be preserved for future use, when medical or cosmetic technology can use them. Repair joints, renew skin, or even repair your heart -- these things could be a medical reality using stem cells in the next 10-30 years and having your own cells cryo-preserved can help you realize it.

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