Sunday, May 04, 2008

What Are Computer Forensics?

What? You've never seen an episode of CSI? No seriously, Computer Forensics is the science of recovering, reconstructing and analyzing computer files and data. This sort of thing is not just for cool TV shows -- it's the real deal. A computer forensic company like DataChasers uses state of the art tools and techniques to extract data from computers for reconstruction and usage. This sort of information is used in lawsuits, criminal trials and civil litigations to prove or disprove data history and viewing. It is really quite amazing stuff. All of DataChasers professionals hold professional certifications including the necessary Certified Forensic Computer Examiner. This means they know what they are doing. Whether you find yourself on the giving or receiving end of a legal preceding, you might need help from a service like this. They can help you prove or disprove very important things that might have a big impact in your case. How? Well lets say you are the defendant in a criminal preceding and the prosecutor is trying to prove that you visited this website or downloaded that piece of data (e.g. music). They will certainly have their own "expert" witnesses to testify against you. It only makes sense to have your own data to shows where the files came from and whether you put them there. Yeah, that's a lot more serious than some TV show!


Jim said...

You're right- if you're getting sued for mp3 downloads and it's a big case, a computer forensics expert would be necessary.

But, even more important is how computer forensics can help a business that is dealing with the loss of data. Businesses have a lot of money and time invested in their important data, so hiring a computer forensics expert is a necessity when dealing with business losses.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the enlightening post regarding Computer Forensics. I found it very informative. I hope the others will think so too. Looking forward to more posts like this from you.