These are the kind of stories which make me sad -- stories of New Jersey or illinois nursing home neglect (or which ever state you live in). We trust these facilities to take care of our elderly family members and sometimes things go very bad. When funds run, sometimes so do morals and we get stories of neglect hitting the National airwaves. If you need chicago nursing home abuse attorneys to help your family out, check out the services of Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates, LTD. They are the attorneys who will fight for your rights and the rights of your loved ones.
Here's a poignant quote from an attorney at Horwitz:
There is no more justified use of our courts than to prosecute those who abuse and neglect the aging patients they are entrusted to care for.
As our U.S. population ages, we need more protections for our elderly parents and family. But at the same time we need people out there like this
illinois nursing home negligence lawyer to help protect them. Its sad that we need lawyers to protect us from this sort of thing, but the fact of the matter is it exists and you need to know who can fight for your rights and your loved one's safety.