Wednesday, May 28, 2008

More Adventures to Come

What new adventures will the future hold for Skylar and Carter? We are not saying for the moment, but another international voyage could be in the works. Where will they go? South America? China? Canada? Stay tuned and find out where these globe trotting kids will be end up!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Colloidal Silver is Not What Pirates Hunt!

If you asked Skylar or Carter what "Colloidal Silver" was, they'd probably say it was something that Pirates hunted or what robbers steal. In fact, colloidal silver is a mineral supplement that is supposed to cure hundreds of ailments and provide relief to aches and pains. Containing almost 100% pure silver nanoparticles, colloidal silver is ingested as a supplement. Known for centuries as a health supplement, this substance is still used today in one shape or form for water filtration systems. As a nutritional supplement, colloidal silver is very easily absorbed by the body (due to the nano-particle size) which makes it very effective. MesoSilver® - Nanoparticle Colloidal Silver is one of the purest colloidal silver products on the market with over 99.99% purity. It is non-toxic and does not interact with any medications you may be taking. Check out the site and read up on dozens of articles about the history of colloidal silver as a health supplement and the research done on the subject.

School is Out (Almost)

The end of the school year is upon us. Carter is lucky -- he got finished with his "baby school" yesterday. He was attended a pre-school program at a local church. Two days a week, three hours a day. Big Sister Skylar must wait until next Wednesday to finish he school year out. Oh well... the summer is a long one and the kids will probably get bored of it by July. I can hear them now, getting excited for school 2008-2009!

Monday, May 05, 2008

What is Term Life Insurance?

Term Life Insurance shouldn't be a mystery. It is actually one of the oldest forms of insurance. It basically is a policy which is set for a specific "Term", or period of time, let's say for example 10 years. During this period you pay a monthly premium which is usually fixed. If the term expires without claim, there is no cash value left over. You then have the choice to extend your Term Life Insurance for longer by paying new premiums or find new insurance. To learn more about Term Life Insurance, visit the website of IFG Insurance. They have a worldwide network of over 50 companies to find the best coverage and policy for you and your loved ones. With this size of network, IFG can minimize your insurance costs while finding the right term life insurance for your specific situation. All these factors make Term Life Insurance very affordable and usually holding the lowest premiums to pay. The opposite of Term Life Insurance is Whole Life Insurance which builds a cash value and lasts and entire lifetime (open ended). The difference is that with Whole Life Insurance your premiums will usually rise with age and are not fixed. This can make it a more expensive proposition. Visit IFG and learn all about your insurance options.

Petting Zoo Fun

Want to know how warm it is in Georgia in December? Well when the Skylar and Carter visited Santa Claus this past December, there was actually an outdoor petting zoo at the place! No seriously. It was like 70 degrees out and poor Santa was sweating. Carter had fun feeding the goats while Skylar thought the camels were very funny looking. Stay cool Santa -- see you next year!

What's Up With Illinois Nursing Home Neglect?

These are the kind of stories which make me sad -- stories of New Jersey or illinois nursing home neglect (or which ever state you live in). We trust these facilities to take care of our elderly family members and sometimes things go very bad. When funds run, sometimes so do morals and we get stories of neglect hitting the National airwaves. If you need chicago nursing home abuse attorneys to help your family out, check out the services of Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates, LTD. They are the attorneys who will fight for your rights and the rights of your loved ones.

Here's a poignant quote from an attorney at Horwitz:

There is no more justified use of our courts than to prosecute those who abuse and neglect the aging patients they are entrusted to care for.
As our U.S. population ages, we need more protections for our elderly parents and family. But at the same time we need people out there like this illinois nursing home negligence lawyer to help protect them. Its sad that we need lawyers to protect us from this sort of thing, but the fact of the matter is it exists and you need to know who can fight for your rights and your loved one's safety.

Italy 2006

We went to twice in 2006. The first time was a weekend trip to Rome for Easter. The second time was to visit Gardaland -- Italy's largest amusement park -- for Halloween. We had a great time! Here is a photo of Skylar after a run-in with a face painting artist!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Structured Settlements -- Get Your Money!

Structured Settlements occur quite frequently in the world. When you a party to a lawsuit and settle out of court, chances are your winnings will be in the form of a Structured Settlement. The other party's insurance will pay you a fixed amount payable over time in return to you dropping the suit or claim. Sure you win -- but you don't necessarily get all the money you need right away. But since you don't have to spend a lot of time and money in court fighting your case, a structured settlement is often better than the alternative of a drawn out legal battle.

A company like Stone Street Capital will offer you cash immediately in return for your smaller regular payments. You get the cash you need now, like to pay the medical bills or make repairs, while avoiding a prolonged fight. If you have a structured settlement and would rather get a large chunk of the money now, contact Stone Street and see exactly how they can help you get the money you need now. Call them at 1-800-LUMP-SUM to get a quick and free estimate for cash now. Their lump-sum offer will make the whole endeavor over with. Stone Street has paid over ONE BILLION DOLLARS in settlements lump sums -- now that's impressive!

Did I Mentioned We Love Halloween?

I think I have, but it bears repeating... These kids love all things scary and they really love Halloween. Carter runs around the house all day saying he is a "witch" or a "monster" -- it is really a hoot. And Skylar loves watching the Addams Family on the Internet (lots of free episodes over at!). Here is a photo of Skylar dressed up for school back in October for Halloween. No costume party -- just Skylar dressing spooooky.

What Are Computer Forensics?

What? You've never seen an episode of CSI? No seriously, Computer Forensics is the science of recovering, reconstructing and analyzing computer files and data. This sort of thing is not just for cool TV shows -- it's the real deal. A computer forensic company like DataChasers uses state of the art tools and techniques to extract data from computers for reconstruction and usage. This sort of information is used in lawsuits, criminal trials and civil litigations to prove or disprove data history and viewing. It is really quite amazing stuff. All of DataChasers professionals hold professional certifications including the necessary Certified Forensic Computer Examiner. This means they know what they are doing. Whether you find yourself on the giving or receiving end of a legal preceding, you might need help from a service like this. They can help you prove or disprove very important things that might have a big impact in your case. How? Well lets say you are the defendant in a criminal preceding and the prosecutor is trying to prove that you visited this website or downloaded that piece of data (e.g. music). They will certainly have their own "expert" witnesses to testify against you. It only makes sense to have your own data to shows where the files came from and whether you put them there. Yeah, that's a lot more serious than some TV show!

A Baseball Game

Today Skylar and Carter went to the Baseball Game at Turner Field. It was the Braves against the Cincinnati Reds. Did you know that base in the 1950s when fear of Communism swept across America, that the Cincinnati Reds changed their name to Redlegs? Yeah, those were some crazy times.

Well anyways the kids had fun at the game to say the least. Carter loves baseball even though he doesn't really know what's going on. Here's another fact -- did you know that Jackie Robinson, the man who broke the Major League's color barrier - the first Black Professional Baseball player - wore number 42? And in 1997, Major League Baseball retired the number 42 for the entire league?! No one new can ever wear the number 42 again.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

B-rrring, B-rrring -- Who's Answering The Phone? Answering Services!

The phone is ringing for your business. It could be 3 p.m. and you are too busy to answer it or it could be 3 a.m. and you are asleep! The global nature of business and the "always-on" function of the Internet means that your business could be fielding calls 24 hours a day. So how to do manage? Who is there to answer it?

This is where an Answering Service provider like MAP Communications has been providing value-added services top companies like yours since 1991. They offer some of the fastest answer times in the industry while giving you your own nationwide 1-800 number.

Their staff is professional and training to provide top notch service. The company's infrastructure allows for specialized call screening, voicemail services, and even online messaging. You customers (or potential customers) will be completely taken care of and will think you have your own staff of receptionists and customer service engineers! All these things make professional Answering Services a great value for your business.

[Photo from]