Sunday, July 30, 2006

Carter's Growing Up

Carter enjoys spending time on his tummy.

I Love Playmobil

Just wait and see what Santa brings....

Sissy and Big Handsome

I love my brother. I call him Big Handsome.
And my brother loves me, his Sissy.
We are brother and sister.

We Love Nürnberg

We went to Nürnberg again today.
We had lots of fun.
We also went to Pizza Hut.
There were lots of people.
See you next time.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Skylar gets a ..... Haircut!

Was it the Heat? The Boredom? Who knows... But Daddy asked me if I wanted to cut my hair shorter so I could stay cool.
I said "Yes!" and Mommy cut my hair.
I love my new haircut! What do you think?

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Update: What is Happening to My Hair?!?!?

Remember my worries two months ago?

Good news everyone.....
My hair is coming back! And now its dark blonde...

Daddy and Daughter Time

Skylar and Daddy went to the Playmobil FunPark today.
They played and pretended to be pirates.
They had a great time just the two of them.
Mommy and Carter can come next time!

Skylar's Art Photography (Part 1)

Skylar went for a bicycle ride with Mommy this evening.
Skylar said she wanted to take the camera along.
Mommy asked if Skylar wanted to take photos herself.
Skylar said "Yes" and was allowed to take photos of whatever she wanted to.
Skylar took all these photos by herself!

Skylar's Art Photography (Part 2)

She knows how to press and hold the button; And that what you see on the screen (on the camera) is what you get when you take the photo.
The rest was totally up to her...
Here's some wood sculptures in the city....
from "Skylar-level".
This is an extreme close-up of a yellow balloon!

Skylar the Model

Ok, Ok.... A doctor, a dentist and a singer are all fine professions, but maybe Skylar will do some modeling on the side!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Skylar's Ambitions

Skylar's ambitions.... What about President?

Monday, July 17, 2006

Three Sleepy Lovey-Birds

[Editor's Note: Selena trains them young to love napping and sleeping!]
[They don't seem to mind!]

Carter and Mommy (part2)


Skylar Photo Shoot


English Movies in Germany!

Me and Mommy went to the Roxy movie theater in Nürnberg.
We saw the movie "Over the Hedge".
It was great and funny. I like spending time just me and Mommy.

Family Fun at IKEA

We all went to IKEA on Sunday. I went to Small Land and played. Carter stayed with Mom and Dad. Looks like Carter had fun too!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Carter's Funny Friend

Carter loves this guy! Its so funny what babies will enjoy.

A Sharks Wedding!

We all went to a Sharks wedding today!
The man's name is Odie. He is a teammate and good friend of my daddy.
He is very nice.
His wife Venetta is very nice too. She looked beautiful like a princess.
The party was at a big castle!
[editors note: Schloss Weissenstein in Pommersfelden, Germany]

Friday, July 07, 2006

Dirty Mummy

Where's the gold at Carter?

Don't worry...

Skylar had to endure the same as a baby (see below:

How to Make a Dirty Mummy in Four Easy Steps).