Sunday, May 28, 2006

I am me.

I am me. By Carter William Noble.

I have a sister but I am very different than she is. I am me.

I like my food plain. I just started to eat cereals but I do not like fruits or vegetables.

I am 5 months old but I do not want to sleep through the night. I don't care that sister did it at three months. I will take as long as I want. Maybe my new found liking of (plain) foods will help me sleep for longer but I give no guarantees.

I like to sssttrrreeeeetttttcccccchhhhhh (stretch). After a nap, in the morning or just for the fun of it. As you can see by my photo above, I like being stretched out.

My teeth are driving me crazy. I only have two but I am constantly gnawing at them. I growl and wail at them but to no avail. I love to chew on my hands.

I love to laugh. Recently I seem to find my sister very funny. I laugh and chuckle at her for long bursts -- she just seems to act so silly, I can't help myself.

I am not too fond of rolling over but I can do it if I really want to. I am more interested in sitting up. Nowadays I will try to sit up anytime I am sitting reclined -- in my stroller, in my bouncy seat, on a pillow. I try to sit up and usually end up leaning all the way over.

I am a boy. I am a son. I am a brother. I am a grandson. I am a great-grandson. I am a nephew. I am Carter. I am me.

Another Visit to Nürnberg

I love you dot com. We went to Nürnberg today. First we went to this big place [Editor: the Documentation Center]. It was a museum. I used this thing to listen to the talking lady.
Then we went to Pizza Hut in Nürnberg. I love it. I eat cheese pizza. Carter had fun too. I want to eat lots of pizza when we go back to America.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Like Sister, Like Brother

Skylar Jiba - Age 5 months

Carter William - Age 5 months

What is Happening to My Hair?!?!?

Here's me at 1 week old. What a full head of hair!

Still at 3 months old, I'm looking good.

4 Months old and everything seems in order. I mean, my head is growing, so I expect some decrease in density...

Oh Boy. Here's a picture of me at 5 months. As you can see, its getting pretty sparse up top!

Here a photo of me as of yesterday. I can't even look into the camera. Mama says its normal and that it looks like my new hair is coming in blond, but I think she's pulling my leg.... only time will tell.

Trip to Munich

We all went to Munich yesterday with our friend Yanti . This is a picture of me and Mommy standing under this GIANT lady.

We saw this clock that played music and had dancing people.

This is Carter. I love him dot com.

Love you, bye.


Some New Firsts for Carter

[If Carter could, this is what he would say:]

This is a photo of my first teeth. After several weeks of intense teething, these guys have finally showed themselves.

Also, on Wednesday, May 24th, I rolled over for the first time by myself. I rolled from my back to my stomach in front of an audience of Mommy, Daddy and Sister.


Sunday, May 21, 2006

A Parade going by my House!

Today there was a parade in the city. We heard the parade making noise "Boom, Boom, Boom" and me and Mommy ran there to see. It was louder and louder and louder until it came to where we were standing. Everyone was dressed up. I saw horses and waved to everyone. I said"Hallo, Hallo, Guten Morgen".

Visit to Nürnberg "Spielzeug" Museum

I went with Mommy and Daddy and Carter to the Toy Museum. I saw Playmobil toys there. I also saw lots of toys and it was fun. There was also a place to play with some toys. And then it was time to go and I'll see you later dot com. The end dot com.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

More Birthday Party Fun

I went to Danny and Andy's birthday party on Tuesday with Carter. We had lots of fun. We went on a treasure hunt and we had to bring along swords to protect us.

Of course there was cake, games, kids and music. Here is a picture of me and Carter dancing.

First (trial) Day at German Kindergarten

Here is me on my first day at Kindergarten. I am in the "Häschengruppe" (Bunny Group). I went for two hours on Tuesday. I will go full time starting in September.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Me and Mommy

Grunt. Grunt. Gaga-Googoo. Ooooh-aaa


[Translated: This is me and my beautiful mama. I love her.]

Naptime is the Best-time

We were sleeping in the bed when dad came home from Football practice. Mommy was sleeping too but she woke up before I did. Zowie likes to snuggle with me so soft. Bye dot com.

- Skylar

Hanging out with Friends!

Hello. This is a picture of Riley and Me having grapes. Riley is my friend dot com. He has a little sister but she is so small and very cute. We play together. We play trains inside and play bikes outside. We do it all the time. The end dot com.

- Skylar

[Skylar's new catch phrase is "dot com". She adds it to her sentances at will. She even says "I Love You Dot Com"]

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A Trip to Nürnberg Zoo

Me and Carter went to the Zoo on Monday. We came to the zoo for a reason -- because the animals are there! I saw a little deer and some lions. I love giraffes -- they are my favorite. They move slowly.

I saw the elephants. He was eating branches of a tree. I want to go back again and get some balloons. And I will play at the playcenter at the zoo.

Carter laughed and laughed and played. But most of the time he was sleeping.