I am me.
I am me. By Carter William Noble.
I have a sister but I am very different than she is. I am me.
I like my food plain. I just started to eat cereals but I do not like fruits or vegetables.
I am 5 months old but I do not want to sleep through the night. I don't care that sister did it at three months. I will take as long as I want. Maybe my new found liking of (plain) foods will help me sleep for longer but I give no guarantees.
I like to sssttrrreeeeetttttcccccchhhhhh (stretch). After a nap, in the morning or just for the fun of it. As you can see by my photo above, I like being stretched out.
My teeth are driving me crazy. I only have two but I am constantly gnawing at them. I growl and wail at them but to no avail. I love to chew on my hands.
I love to laugh. Recently I seem to find my sister very funny. I laugh and chuckle at her for long bursts -- she just seems to act so silly, I can't help myself.
I am not too fond of rolling over but I can do it if I really want to. I am more interested in sitting up. Nowadays I will try to sit up anytime I am sitting reclined -- in my stroller, in my bouncy seat, on a pillow. I try to sit up and usually end up leaning all the way over.
I am a boy. I am a son. I am a brother. I am a grandson. I am a great-grandson. I am a nephew. I am Carter. I am me.